Products - CineBridge

Aladdin – Flying Carpet Motion Control
Swisscom Vivo Tutto Set Top Box Workers


  • Virtual Production Software & Hardware


  • Saves time & money on-set and off-set
  • Accelerates pre & post production
  • Reduces waste & overtime
  • Reduces tracking errors
  • Gets it right first time


  • Calibrates studio
  • Places camera accurately on-set
  • Displays virtual set & CG characters accurately
  • Pixel accurately replicates camera moves
  • Extremely low latency


  • Designed & built over 30 years for Hollywood
  • Battle proven on hundreds of projects
  • Reduced stress on-set
  • Calm working environment
  • DoP & Director focused on creativity not  technology
  • Higher creative throughput
  • Time to breath, think and create

CineBridge - Virtual Cameras

Camera and lenses are matched to real-world equipment, including film-backs, exact ground glass marking and frame line-ups.

The real-world camera and lenses can be shared by all modules in the system (including streaming to Unreal Engine, Unity and MotionBuilder).

Real time lens distortion correction and field of view tracking is included in CineBridge – LiveTracker.

Virtual Cameras

CineBridge - MoCo - Universal Motion Control Solver

The software that comes with Robots (Motion Control) is not always designed for the challenges of cinematography, and those that are, have significant limitation that we overcome.  

With CineBridgeMoCo, you are able to design complex moves on any robotic camera platforms, whether that is making the move up on the day or precisely matching a pre-recorded plate or PreVis.  

You are able to SIMULATE and TEST the robots in advance to ensure that the machines are physically capable of achieving the shot.

Using our on-set referencing tools, you can accurately align the planned move to the real-world, or to replicate a move on a re-built set for a re-shoot.

By tuning our simulators to the real-world robot counterparts, you are able to PROGRAM a rig knowing that it will run the desired move first time every time.

Advanced tools enable complex ride motion such as riding on a dragon, broom stick or magic carpet, with all the VFX Post Production data being generated automatically to allow compositors to recompose the final shots.

Take4D Universal Motion Control Solver

Compatible with:

  • Mark Roberts (MrMoCo)
    • Bolt
    • Bolt-X
    • Titan
    • Cyclops
    •  Milo
  • Kuper Controls
  • General Lift
  • Pasific Motion
  • Kuka

As used on:

  • Ant Man 3
  • Aladdin
  • Assassin’s Creed
  • Angels & Demons
  • Hansel & Gretel
  • Harry Potter
  • Game of Thrones
  • Macbeth
  • Wonder Woman 2 
  • Wolfman

CineBridge - PoCoPin - Perspective Only and Corner Pin

The PoCoPin (Perspective Only and Corner Pin) module was also developed for use on films and TV such as Harry Potter, Aladdin and Games of Thrones. 

It enables subjects / elements to be shot that are “flying” or moving around the frame that need to be stabilised for filming (typically on motion control systems).  Once shot, they need to be put back into their original position within the frame.  Sometime a different lens or distance from subject is required to shoot the element compared to the original frame. 

This module not only mathematically solves the lens / distance and stabilisation of the element for shooting, but also generates Nuke “Corner Pin” data for compositors to be able to put the filmed element back into its correct position in the original frame.  

This is not a simple rectangular position and scale process – it is a complex sheering of the image (see video opposite).

A minor “fixed” offset is intentionally shown between the original plate and the element plate to show that the offset is consistent across all lenses.

CineBridge - MoBase

Developed for use on films such as Harry Potter, the MoBase (Motion Base) module brings Flight Simulators to CineBridge.

These “Stuart Platforms” or “Hexapods” as they are known, come in many different sized and can carry payloads from a few Kilograms to tens of tonnes. Custom platforms can be accommodated such as “The Magic Carpet Rig” we flew for Disney’s live action remake of Aladdin.  They can be used to simulate vehicle motion such as cars or broomsticks (if that counts as a vehicle) or animals such as dragons, polar bears and horses.

Flight Model Editor

When used in conjunction with our MoCo and PoCoPin modules, the Flight Model Editor enable otherwise impossible cinematography.  Motion that should be done on the platform can be “thrown” back onto the camera rig instead, thereby keeping the integrity of the shot but achieving it in a completely different way mechanically (and vice-versa).  This is essential when one of the real-world systems is mechanically incapable of doing a movement.  The framing of the shot can be maintained, but the work transferred to a different system.  The speed, efficiency and precision of this module saves hundreds of hours in pre-production and on-set trying to “fix” shots that would otherwise seem to be unachievable.

Motion Base

CineBridge- LiveTracker

LiveTracker is our real time on-set Virtual Production camera tracking system.

Decades of systems integration experience has gone into providing one of the lowest latency camera tracking solutions on the market (as low as 4 nanoseconds delay from the camera shutter).

Supported Systems:

  • Laser Tracker (proprietary)
  • TechnoDolly
  • Encoded TechnoCrane
  • Louma 2 Crane
  • Mark Roberts (Bolt / Titan / Cyclops / Milo)
  • Kuper Control
  • Kuka
  • Mosys Star Tracker
  • Optical Motion Capture
  • XBox Controllers
  • MEMS devices
  • more…

CineBridge - Compo

Compo is our real time live on-set Virtual Production Compositing System.

Built from the ground up as a high-performance low latency render engine, Compo has been designed to meet the demands of fast decision making in real world on-set environments.


  • HD-SDI & DirectX Video Capture
  • Real-Time CGI Rendering & Composition
  • Lens Distortion Correction
  • Chroma-Keying
  • Colour Correction
  • 3D CGI Models
  • Pre-Vis Plate Compositing & Warping
  • Multi-System Synchronisation

CineBridge - StreamLine

StreamLine is a set of plugins that carry data between CineBridge and third-party products in real time.

  • StreamLine for Unreal Engine
  • StreamLine for Unity
  • StreamLine for MotionBuilder


CineBridge is the backbone of our system. 

CineBridge is a powerful virtual production software tool designed for advanced cinematography workflows.


Developed by Take4D Ltd., CineBridge offers a range of features that enable users to previsualize and produce complex camera moves in real-time, solving camera movements to motion control systems, cranes, and flight simulators.


CineBridge also generates pixel-accurate post-production data for visual effects workflows, making it an ideal tool for film, television, and advertising productions.


With its intuitive user interface and advanced technology, CineBridge provides users with an unmatched level of flexibility, efficiency, and creative control over their productions.

It has been developed over three decades and proven itself as a battle-ready work horse for the toughest of Hollywood Feature Films as well as the fastest shooting Television Commercial and Music Video schedules.

It is a 3-Dimensional software and hardware solution that comprises of set of core features and a number of expandable modules.


  • Windows 10 & 11
  • OpenGL Hardware Accelerated 3D
  • Simple Customisable User Interface
  • Animation Timelines & Playback
  • Dynamic (Physics) 2D Graph Editor

Real World

The entire system is designed to be accurate to the real physical world.

The “Dynamic Engine” calculates true physics such as velocities and acceleration to ensure simulation match the real-world counterparts.